Saturday, February 28, 2009

March already

Well the last 2 weeks have quietly slipped by without notice and nothing exciting happening. Apart from a few close bush fires to create conversation, nothing has seemed to have happened.
Blaine had a fire safety day off yesturday, so he spent it with his nan for the day. He is back to swimming and doing really well. He also started tutouring last week during school to help with his reading. Hopefully he will be up to scratch soon. Im sure he is getting bigger by the day as well. By the time he is 8 he will be bigger than me....
Today is your last chance to upload your entries in the gallery for the February sketch comp. A new sketch for March will be uploaded this weekend.
I plan on doing some scrapping this weekend, fingers crossed. I did manage a layout over the last fortnight and here it is.
I have just got in some Kaiser milestone albums as well as a gorgeous range of Jenni Bowlin all in the whats new section. Well thats it for me right now. Until next time, keep on chatting and keep safe.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another week cruises by....

Well not a lot to report this week. It has been a quiet and somber week getting through the worst fires ever and overwhelmed with lots of smoke but we will all get through it.
On the scales 7 weeks gone by and Ive lost 4 kilo's. Its a start and cant really tell but I will keep going and aim for my 1st 10 kilo's. I can't remember the last time I weighed in the 80's so I know I have my work cut out.
Blaine and I walk/ride every day and it's good for him to get and and spend some 1 on 1 time too.
Saturday Fleur came over and had a stampin up demonstration. Thanks to Fleur as well as Sharon, Lynne and Michele for tagging along. Big thanks to Shaz, Lynne and Michele also for donating their cards as well as a cash donation towards the Bushfire card collection Sandie has organised. Please check out Sandie's blog for more details if you would also like to be involved and take part.
Today was a couple of games of 10 pin bowling with Blaine and I and then a really nice walk around the lake. I even managed to create a layout.... not fantastic but at least its got the mojo flowing.
Well like I said, nothing to report so until next time stay safe and keep on

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hot Frightening and on Fire!!!

We have had the weekend of hell with plenty of emotions running through.
After last weeks 40+ heat wave Saturday we experience the hottest day ever in Victoria, 48 degree's and I tell you it was so dry and hot with a humitidy of only 5% which is dessert weather.
We have been in drought for while now and everything is so so dry.
With these conditions you can only guess there will be fires but nothing I could have imagined. I live in Officer / Beaconsfield which is where Ash Wednesday hit 25 years ago and even though I was a teenager at the time, I remember how terrible it was, but now living in that area you suddenly become very weiry and alert of every weather condition. It's the sounds of sirens and the eerky smoke coming across your home you start getting that worried feeling and its then you start stalking the CFA site and have the TV and radio on as long as you can. When the power goes off you know its not great and you hear that Pakenham (the next suburb) is on fire and there is nothing you can do but to be alert, be prepared and wait.
Hose at the ready, buckets filled just incase of spot fires but really I felt useless and looked around me and thought I am surround by dry arid land and if it goes then I go.
We were very very lucky and the fires in our local area, Pakenham, Koo Wee Rup and Narre Warren were controlled. At 1 stage I looked out the window and absolutely shit myself, then trying to get on to friends in the direct line and can't and the reports coming through just frighten the life out of you. I sat and watched the news in tears feeling helpless and it wasnt until my BF finally rang to say she was ok that I was an absolute emotional wreck. They were evacuted and have no idea even now if they have anything to go home to. I wish her the best and hope she and her family will be ok, as well as the other mates I have in the area. Been thinking of you all and can't wait to wrap my arms around you and know you are safe. We still have fires burning out of control and hope the CFA and volunteers get them controlled asap. I would never hope that anybody experience anything like it and to those poor poor people that have lost loved ones, oh my god my heart goes out to you. These pictures were taken Sunday night from my front door after the control, beautiful but very scary knowing why IYKWIM.
Take care everybody and look after each other......

Monday, February 2, 2009

Grade 1 here we come.

Check out this cheeky little rat bag--->
Here is Blaine on the 1st day of grade 1 today. He wasn't that fussed really, it was like old hack to him. He looks like a rat bag doesn't he... Looks as if he's already been at school for the day but nope, scruffy and all that's my boy!!! There is only 2 kids from last years class with him and it was so cute this morning because the 3 of them held on so tight to each other as they walked into their new class rooms. Aparently they spent the day with each other but i guess it will take a few days to settle with the new faces especially being with the big grade 2' s. Blaine has just turned 6 and these grade 2 kids are up to 9 so hopefuly that will be a positive too. Well thats it from me tonight so take it easy and i will chat again soon. Say hi and thanks for dropping in.