Monday, February 2, 2009

Grade 1 here we come.

Check out this cheeky little rat bag--->
Here is Blaine on the 1st day of grade 1 today. He wasn't that fussed really, it was like old hack to him. He looks like a rat bag doesn't he... Looks as if he's already been at school for the day but nope, scruffy and all that's my boy!!! There is only 2 kids from last years class with him and it was so cute this morning because the 3 of them held on so tight to each other as they walked into their new class rooms. Aparently they spent the day with each other but i guess it will take a few days to settle with the new faces especially being with the big grade 2' s. Blaine has just turned 6 and these grade 2 kids are up to 9 so hopefuly that will be a positive too. Well thats it from me tonight so take it easy and i will chat again soon. Say hi and thanks for dropping in.


Hetty Hall said...

Hey looking good Blaine, glad to hear you had a great first day.
Hugs xx

Anthea said...

doesnt he look hansom Lorrie!!