Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sorry Ladies

I am so sorry ladies, as you can see the site is down again. But on a positive note... you can still get into the shop to spend money...hehe.
Actually Im not laughing and I have just sent the nastiest (well in my most politest voice) email to these donkey brains. I have had it! It makes me look incompitent and unproffesional. It always happens over the weekend and there is no service available over the weekend which means I have to wait until 9am Monday to have it looked at, and I pay bloody good money to these turkeys and I have had it.
So tomorrow I will be looking for a new site provider. Anybody know any good and cheaps service providers at all? I would love to hear of some so I can get this fixed ASAP.
All I can do is say sorry to you all and promise that i will get this fixed once and for all as soon as I possibly can.
On a brighter note, How gorgeous was Melbournes weather today. 10pm and its still 29 degree's and it is gorgeous. Come on spring... I cant wait.
Ohh and hows Collingwoods form. Carn the pies! I am no Collingwood supporter but damn fine job beating Adelaide!! All Vic final and I cant wait. Fingers crossed for a Geelong V Bulldogs final and go Bullies!!!
I managed to do the washing today as well as some spring cleaning and the lawns. I am hoping tomorrow is the same as today. I could really do with some outside time.
I was lucky enough tonight to have Fleur over for a catch up, was great to see her but am really looking forward to bed tonight in my nice clean fresh bed. Don't you just love getting into bed with crisp fresh clean shets. mmmm I can feel it now.
Well I might do a quick clean up so i can go to bed. Don't forget that the Q2 book is still up for grabs here on my blog. All you have to do is leave a comment.
Again..... A huge SORRY....


Eve said...

lorrie its eve it your host or internet provider ...i used bigpond for internet and for hosting i am with webcity .they are a sydney based company and i think i am paying $95 a year ...they are reliable and have 24 hour tech support i am very happy with them ...i hope this helps

Anthea said...

Hey Lorrie, sorry to hear about the troubles with the site again, (tried getting on this weekend a few times)
I dont know anything about providers or hosts, but Ning seems to be all the rage at the moment, I think they are free too? not sure. good luck with getting them to sort it out

Terri Cook said...

Hi Lorrie -- sorry to hear about the problems with your web host...very poor performance on their behalf. Will try to pop in later this week when I get a free minute from studying. xx

Ali Russell said...

Hi lorrie,
We use Digital Pacific for our hosting at embellished and all our other sites...we have hardly had a problem in the 4+ years we have been with them. you get your scheduled outages, but that is normally only on MSQL databases etc.

Hope you and Blain are well

Shaz said...

Lorrie I am you that we all sympathise with you and your frustrations with the forum. Strange how it always happens on the weekend and then there is nothing that you are able to do until Monday morning to fix the problem. Best of luck with finding a new host provider. For the dollars you have to pay out you definitely want reliability and a functioning website 24/7.

Hope that the week is off to a great start for you.

Tracy Firth said...

Oh yay so its not ALWAYS cold back home - hope it stays that way.