I got my new washing machine on Friday and wow 8 kilos is very big. Didnt realise that at all until i did a load of towels and i still had plenty of room. But all I have done is "oh wow" every time I try something new on it. Im like a kid in a toy shop. Well now the washine machine is replaced I now have to get a new freezer. It just stopped working so will start saving for a new fridge freezer side by side. I had to throw out all of the food and I was so mad about that. This is what I chucked out.
We have had a pretty quiet weekend here. Friday night was cybercrop night. Another pretty quiet night of chat but the gallery is looking amazing. Check out the cybercrop section for the challenges. You still have until midnight tomorrow to get your entries in. Here are 2 layouts i did for it.

Saturday night we went to the drive in with Sarah and Michele and their families and saw Speed Racer. Must say it was average and the kids werent impressed either. We ended back at Micheles for a chat and a very very late night. Today was sleep in day. Rolled out of bed at 10, had something to eat, checked my emails and was back in bed at noon to 2pm. How bad is that. Even Blaine spent pretty much the day in bed. Poor bugger has a very chesty cough. So roast dinner and plenty of Krispy Kreames and now off to scrap a little more after Ive done the dishes.
I have done lots of pages but cant share them all just yet but i have done all the examples for the DT page maps comp so please with myself for being organised. Even done the design sketch 1 too. We are currently up to round 5 and the talent is outstanding. Here are the sketches and my examples for this round.

And here is some other layouts I have done.

Well I better be off to put the boy to bed and get into some serious scrapping. Until next time... Keep on chatting.
wow you ahve been busy...
Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog Lorrie, put a smile on my face this morning. Congrats on your new washing machine and sorry to hear your freezer has packed up now.
The DT pagemap comp is going great guns and I don't envy you having to pick only a few people from so many great entries, thanks for letting me be a part of it.
Bugger about all that food you had to throw out!!Your layouts are looking great can't wait to see the other ones you have done..
Oh crap!! What a big stack of food to go to waste. Why do appliances always seem to go one after the other.
Fabbo work with your layouts here - the Page map gallery is looking awesome.
Julie xx
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