It has been 4 weeks since my operation and I am walking on my own and getting back to normal. 2 more weeks and i will be back behind the wheel. Can't wait until that happens and get back to normality.
A big congratulations to Sharon Lee for winning the BOM competition. Sharon won $300 worth of scrapbook products for her efforts. Janet also received a $30 voucher for her efforts and was awarded the encouragement award. I would like to thank everybody for supporting and taking part of the competition and a big thanks to my judges that had the hard decision to choose a winner.
Nothing else happening here. Waiting on a reply from the landlord about the rent increase to see if i will be house hunting again or not. Fingers crossed he reconsideres his actions and i can stay put. Im back at work and nothing has changed. Still plenty of the normal office crap thats happens going on but thats life. Thanks Fleur, Suzie and Michele for the scrap night on Saturday, even though there wasnt a lot of scrapping being done i managed to get 2 completed.
Here are my layouts....
And finally this is Blaines school photo.... Getting too big too quick. Until next time take care and keep on chatting... and don't forget to check out the new competition and the new sketch competition on the site now....
hi lorrie,
thanks for the invite I had fun!!At least you got 2 layouts done..they look great.My fingers and toes are crossed that you get to stay where you are..good luck with that!
oh what a hansom young man he is Lorrie!! gorgeous LOs also!
ah ha... knew there was a reason I kept meaning to pop back in to chat at SC... ;) hope I am not too late to jump on board.
oh... and so glad you have finally had that op chickie... glad it is all going well... hope your 100% soon.
So happy for you you are doing so well hun and I hope you can stay put and don't have to move. Blaine is looking very handsome, love the layouts.
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