Wednesday, January 10, 2007


yeap im tired. Have stared into a computer all day and im buggered. Doesn't help when its 31 degrees at 11pm. Its going to be hot again tomorrow and the bush fire smoke outside seems to be getting worse.
Well nothing has really happened over the last few days. Went to the beach tonight. It was pretty choppy but was great to cool down. Michele and I took a swim and swam into jelly fish. never got out of the water so quick, and boy do they hurt when they sting. Had a few people in to look at the house, hopefully I will be looking for a new home soon. I have been offered a new job in Sydney running Franks new business. Don't think its the right thing with just Blaine and I. Even though he said that I could work from home every couple of days... tempting, wonder what his offer is. Would have to be bloody good. I am so tempted to hop on a plane to suss it out though.
Well 7 days to Blaines birthday and his party is on Sunday. Open house Saturday so that will give me the chance to organize balloons and lolly bags.

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