Friday, December 22, 2006

work break up

Well up nice and early cos I have to get to work early to get everything done by noon. (i usually roll up any time I like)... Not looking forward to banking cos im sure everybody will be rushing like nut cases. Anyway we finish at 12 today and the boss (with a little persuasion from us girls) has put on a chicken salad lunch. We had planned a big day/night but a couple of the blokes are heading to Sydney today to work over the week end at the new business the boss just brought. Safe trip guys, especially Mick who has to drive up and back....
Im hoping for rain early today and lots of it to hopefully kill of these fires in the local country area. Would love to see the end of this smoke.
I got my paper work for "for keeps" mag. So my layout will be in Issue 52
OFFSPRING... Cant wait to see it in print.

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